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ZPunks are Revolutionizing the NFT Scene with Unmatched Utility and Scarcity

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    BEIRUT, LEBANON / ACCESSWIRE / September 26, 2023 / ZPunks is making waves in the crypto market with its innovative approach to non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The company has introduced a 3D animated collection of unique collectible characters inspired by crypto punks, offering a diverse range of species with different attributes and rarity levels.

    Each collectible within the ZPunks collection will be minted as an individual NFT, cryptographically signed, and permanently recorded on the blockchain. The value of these unique collectibles lies in their scarcity and the inherent exclusivity they represent.

    The ZPunks collection includes 900 humans, 50 apes, 35 zombies, 10 aliens, 4 bots, and 1 Bitcoin punk, each with distinct characteristics and rarity levels.

    Zpunk Token with a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 ZPT living on the Polygon Blockchain is empowering the future of NFT innovation. ZPT unlocks a range of opportunities for holders, including staking, access to launchpad opportunities, special giveaways, and the chance to receive special NFTs just by holding ZPunk NFTs or tokens. Furthermore, ZPunk NFT holders will receive a portion of the Zpunk Token Airdrop. NFT holders will also receive a percentage of all profits generated from Zpunks NFT sales, while ZPunk Token holders will benefit from a share of 1% of every transaction on the network, providing a passive income stream simply for holding the token.

    To further enhance the project's success, ZPunks is gearing up for its Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) on the P2B Exchange, offering an exciting opportunity for crypto enthusiasts to get involved.

    Exciting developments lie ahead for Zpunks, including the launch of an online store, a play-to-earn battle online multiplayer NFT game, an AI art generator, a user-friendly swap platform, and various other innovative offerings that will reshape the crypto and blockchain experience.

    In a crypto landscape filled with uncertainty, ZPunks stands as an example of a project that places trust, transparency, longevity, and community at the forefront of its strategy. The ZPunks team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of decentralized blockchain and NFT technology, ensuring that owners of ZPunks are continually rewarded through these utilities for simply holding their NFTs.

    For more information about ZPunks and its innovative NFT project, please visit them on



    About ZPunks:

    ZPunks is built upon a foundation of three key pillars that is Longevity, Trust and Transparency, and Community. The project is committed to ensuring its sustainability and relevance by providing regular updates, audits, and open communication channels with the community.

    Media Contact

    Organization: ZPunks
    Contact Person: Zen Kanso
    Website: https://zpunks.online/
    Email: [email protected]
    City: Beirut
    Country: Lebanon

    SOURCE: ZPunks


    Article information

    Author: Jorge Walton

    Last Updated: 1698628081

    Views: 937

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    Author information

    Name: Jorge Walton

    Birthday: 1922-01-30

    Address: 1770 Mcgrath Creek, South Kirstenville, MT 46606

    Phone: +4248874041080221

    Job: Firefighter

    Hobby: Playing Piano, Woodworking, Video Editing, Kite Flying, Ice Skating, Camping, Rock Climbing

    Introduction: My name is Jorge Walton, I am a candid, ingenious, tenacious, cherished, courageous, striking, strong-willed person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.