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Hawaii DOE | Results of the 2022–2023 Strive HI System


Hawai‘i public schools saw an overall uptick in mathematics performance in the second full academic year following the pandemic, according to statewide assessment results. Hawai‘i’s language arts and science scores, meanwhile, remained stable overall amid national declines.

2022-23 reports are posted on the ARCH database: http://arch.k12.hi.us/reports/strivehi-performance
Select a complex and school using the dropdown menus.


On Nov. 2, 2023, the Department released Strive HI Performance System results ​for School Year 2022-23, the 11th year under the state-designed school improvement and accountability system and requirements of federal law. 

Hawai‘i public schools saw an overall uptick in mathematics performance in the second full academic year following the pandemic. In language arts and science, Hawai‘i scores held steady, maintaining gains from the year prior.

While Hawaii's student performance has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels, students are doing relatively well compared to students in other states. Compared to 11 other states that have reported Smarter Balanced Assessment results for the 2022-23 school year, Hawaiʻi is tied with Idaho for the highest proficiency rate in language arts and is one of four states that saw a 2-point or greater year-over-year gain in math proficiency. 

Key year-over-year 2022-23 Strive HI results

  • Statewide academic proficiency in language arts, math and science remained stable for language arts and science, and increased for math.
    • Language arts proficiency held at 52%.
    • Math proficiency increased by 2 points to 40%.
    • Science proficiency held at 40%.
  • Third-grade literacy (reading near/at or above grade level), decreased by 2 points to 78%.
  • Ninth-grade on time promotions increased by 3 points to 92%.
  • Percentage of 12th graders completing a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program held at 64%.
  • On-time graduation rate decreased by 1 point to 85%.
  • College-going rate continued to be at 50%.

Student attendance also improved with fewer students being chronically absent (15 days or more): down to 30% in SY 2022-23 compared with 37% the year prior. However, as with national trends, student absences continue to be high. Two years ago, statewide chronic absenteeism rates had gone from 18% to 37% as a result of quarantine and isolation requirements during COVID, the statewide bus driver shortages, and the U.S. Navy emergency fuel storage leak situations. 

In addition to getting students back into the classroom, the Department continues to focus on improving learning outcomes for all students. The Department has been sharing its strategies and progress on achieving desired outcomes in the Board of Education’s Strategic Plan. The Department has presented to the Board on five of the 27 desired outcomes to date.

Statewide Strive HI snapshot with Academic Growth, Academic Acheivement and English Language Proficiency charts

2022-23 Reports

VIDEO: DOE: New 'Strive HI' system ranks Hawaii schools
KHON2 News
  • The Statewide Snapshot: A four-page summary of statewide student and school performance on metrics across grade spans as well as those that are specific to elementary, middle and high schools. 
  • The Strive HI Master Data File: Spreadsheet​​​ with comprehensive data across all measures for each school (some data are suppressed to protect student privacy at schools with small populations). 
  • The Strive HI Technical Guide: provides detail on how the measures are calculated​.
  • School Performance Reports: Each school's report provides a snapshot of key indicators. 2022-23 reports will not be posted in the Report Finder. 


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